Punch has caught a cold since few days. She refuses to co-operate when we give her the drops. So brilliant me and the Mr thought of an idea and this is what we did..
Me: Come on Mr, open ur mouth, i will put medicine
Mr: no no, i dont want ..aaaa ( pretending to cry)
Me: It is so sweet, come on taste it
Mr: ok, (I pretend to put the drops in his mouth and he pretends to swallow it)
Mr: It was so nice..
Me: Ok, now u r done, who's next to take the medicine?
Punch was a silent spectator to all this drama and the moment i asked the above question, she replied " Amma"
There goes the 1st instalment of my brilliance.. I pretend that all is not lost and still ask her " Ok, after amma who?"
She says " Abba"
Now, did you hear me saying the I am brilliant, it must have surely been an illusion or a dream!